Things you should do in a lockdown

Develop your passion

Utilize this time to learn new things or develop some new ways. You can learn singing, dancing, or you can be a YouTuber, etc. There are tons of options present for you. Just learn new things, develop a hobby that can help you in the future.

Keep yourself healthy

We should be concerned more about our health, make sure that you don't eat much. Just have healthy foods, don't eat junk food, stay hydrated. Keep yourself and your place clean. Use sanitizer which has more than 60 % alcohol in it. Don't touch your face often.

Practise Yoga Regularly

To keep yourself healthy and fit, you surely need to do yoga daily. Yoga works by keeping you physically and mentally fit and it is also the need of today. Just twenty to thirty-minute of yoga can make your lifestyle much better and it can overall make you a healthier person.
You should do at least two yoga, these are Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbhati. These yogas can help you to treat any respiratory disease, plus it also helps in proper blood circulation in the body.


If you ever feel frustrated then meditation can be the best option for you. Meditation helps to control the mind. Meditation helps to focus our mind on the subject and thus it increases the productive capacity of mind. Mediation for just ten minutes can do wonders for us. For mediation just close your eyes, relax your body and then point your eye towards the point between our eyebrows.

Stay inside your house

It's a humble appeal to practice social distancing. In present, this is the only way to stop spreading of this deadly virus. Until the time we find some vaccine for this virus, you are advised to stay inside if you love yourself or your family. 


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